Acupuncture Neurology
Do you have frequent headaches or migraines?
Do you walk into a room and forget why you walked in there?
Do you have a hard time with name recall? (Even if you just said the word you’re thinking about 10 minutes ago?)
Do you have some trouble putting together sentences you’ve said 1,000 times?
Did you have a stoke?
Do you have trouble with balance?
Have you been in a car accident (doesn’t have to be traumatic or high velocity to cause damage)?
Do/did you play contact sports? (Football, Hockey, Soccer, MMA, Rugby, etc)
Everything in the body could arguably be considered neurological because the brain is the master controller of the body. Sure it gets feedback from the rest of the body but then the brain has to decide if it’s life threatening or not.
Modern living is so hard on the body but not in ways we’re used to seeing! We know “back breaking” work is hard on the body from a musculoskeletal perspective and over-use will wear things down but what we’re experiencing in modern times is the physical manifestations of perceived threat. What does that mean?
It means we don’t have to actually be being chased by a tiger to have a fight or flight response. There’s something called “perceived threat” that still is seen as an “actual threat” by the brain and body. Years of this response cause physical signs and symptoms such as: increased resting heart rate, suboptimal digestive function (gas, bloating, constipation, loose stools, overgrowth conditions, etc), more rapid, shallow breathing, etc. and increase the risk of serious health conditions.
My job is to do a very thorough and comprehensive intake to uncover if the things you’re feeling are coming from the brain and going out or is your brain responding to other feedback (inflammation, poor detoxification, thyroid problems, autoimmune conditions) from the body.