Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Acupuncture
Whether you're a high performance athlete, a weekend warrior, a couch surfer or living behind a screen, life can be pretty hard on the body!! I'm here to meet you where you're at and help you get rid of musculoskeletal pain! There are a number of different things that contribute to pain, be it overuse or under use.
Acupuncture reduces inflammation and promotes circulation, which decreases pain and swelling. There are many different techniques out there, including trigger point acupuncture (some like to call it dry needling) and motor point acupuncture. I do a combination of both often with manual therapy and cupping (some call it myofascial decompression) to increase your range of motion and decrease pain. That means we can get you back to what you love faster!! I also do homeopathic and sterile saline injections. Sometimes our muscles need a little extra TLC and injections can help provide that boost.